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How to Choose the Best Type of Plunger for the Job

How to Choose the Best Type of Plunger for the Job

Not all plungers are created equal. What works well for a kitchen sink clog may not cut it for a blocked toilet, so choosing the best type of plunger for the job is important. At least, if you want to avoid a struggle. In this guide, we'll walk you through the best...

Why Faucet Rust Happens and What You Can Do About It

Why Faucet Rust Happens and What You Can Do About It

A rusty faucet is more than just an eyesore. It can compromise water quality and even damage fixtures, resulting in expensive repairs or replacements. But there’s some good news here: preventing and cleaning faucet rust or even rust stains on toilet bowls isn’t an...

7 Causes of Low Water Pressure in a Kitchen Sink

7 Causes of Low Water Pressure in a Kitchen Sink

When you have low water pressure in your kitchen sink, it can mean some serious disruptions to your daily routine. Simple household tasks like washing dishes, filling a pot, or rinsing vegetables suddenly feel like they’re taking forever, and keep you standing in your...

7 Signs You’re in Need of Main Sewer Line Repairs

7 Signs You’re in Need of Main Sewer Line Repairs

When we think of plumbing, we often think about faucets, toilets, and showers. But there's an essential, less visible component that's crucial to a plumbing system’s overall health: the main sewer line. If something happens to this pipe, it can affect your home's...

5 Effective Solutions for a Clogged Kitchen Sink

5 Effective Solutions for a Clogged Kitchen Sink

While there are worse plumbing issues out there, there’s no doubt that dealing with a clogged kitchen sink can be a real pain. It's the kind of household problem that usually pops up at the most inconvenient times - overflowing with greasy water as you're prepping for...