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Plumbing knowledge, awareness, and interesting facts by Water Pros Plumbing

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Can a Toilet Unclog Itself?

Can a Toilet Unclog Itself?

Clogged toilets are an all-too-familiar nuisance for many homeowners and business owners. It’s an especially common low-flow toilet problem. So, if you’ve found yourself in front of yet another blockage, you may wonder if it’s all worth it. Do you really need to...

How to Choose the Best Type of Plunger for the Job

How to Choose the Best Type of Plunger for the Job

Not all plungers are created equal. What works well for a kitchen sink clog may not cut it for a blocked toilet, so choosing the best type of plunger for the job is important. At least, if you want to avoid a struggle. In this guide, we'll walk you through the best...

Do Your Cast Iron Pipes Need to Be Replaced?

Do Your Cast Iron Pipes Need to Be Replaced?

Cast iron plumbing was once the gold standard for durability and reliability. But over time, even the strongest materials degrade. This degradation can lead to a host of problems, from leaks to more severe structural damage. So, if you’re wondering if your cast iron...

5 Common Low Flow Toilet Problems and How to Fix Them

5 Common Low Flow Toilet Problems and How to Fix Them

Are you experiencing low flow toilet problems? Don’t worry - it’s common. While they may help conserve water and reduce your utility bills, low flow, or low flush, toilets are not without their drawbacks. Because of their design, they’re more prone to certain...